The building ,which had been an old Ottoman old-fashioned hotel since the end of the 16th century untill recently, has been restorated and brought into service.


The distance of this old-fashioned Otoman hotel, which is restorated pleasurably, is just twenty meters. It is also your right and privilege to have your breakfast with the smell of the history in the garden of the hotel ın which there is a fantastic open buffet. In addıtıon to that, Asmaaltı Restaurant, which also belongs to us, is a place that our custormers will have some soothing and comforting times at the end of the rushing hours of the day.


Hekimoğlu Corporation provides a service in welfare with experienced and well trained personel who have great intrest and enthusiasm in helping Vatan Hotels customers when they need.




Besides delicious appetizers and starters, we have old-traditioned Ottomon flavored kebabs and sweets in our ancient Asmaaltı Restaurant accompanied by Turkish Art Music at any time of the day.

Asmaaltı Restaurant